IQ ENGLISH STUDIO へようこそ!  梅田、大阪駅、尼崎からわずか1駅 JR塚本駅前の英語・英会話スクール。姫島、御幣島駅からも徒歩圏内。 こども英会話から受験英語、留学、TOEIC、翻訳まで完全サポート。 英会話だけでなく、中学、高校生には、個別指導塾では実現不可能な質の授業で学校英語を克服! アメリカでの英語指導経験をもつ優秀なスタッフが学校では教えてくれない生きた英語を紹介する英会話ブログ。     
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それでは今日のスキット、いってみよー! (* ̄0 ̄)/ オゥッ!!


あつし: Say when.
ゆきこ: OK...Stop.
あつし: Wow! You don't really drink. (*^-^)
ゆきこ: This is for you. I drink it from the bottle.
あつし: …( ̄△ ̄;)

あつし: ストップって言ってね。
ゆきこ: わかった。・・・ ストップ。
あつし: へぇ! ホントに飲まないんだね。 (*^-^)
ゆきこ: コレはアナタの。私はボトルごといっちゃうの。
あつし: ・・・( ̄△ ̄;)

Say when : 適量になったら言ってください。


上司に対して : That's enough.
友人に対して  : Stop .
ジョークで、「When」 と言い返すこともあります。

Say when!

Have a nice one!

12 コメント:

hanako さんのコメント...

Bright morning,Feb 20 Wednesday,2013

Sad teacher...~~

My senior colleague died from the stroke.Her husband said,`she died when you brought flower allenge to her that she died next day`

Life is short...

I hear that she said`flower is beautiful`


I hope that ` say when`to me ,if only step on the accelerator.^^/

I・Q English Studio さんのコメント...

Hello, Hanako,

I'm so sorry to hear that.

It may sound strange, but you are the 6th person in this month that told me that someone important passed away.

Nobody knows when the time comes.
But, because of your flowers, she, your coworker could have a great peace in her mind before she closed her eyes for good.

Cheer up, Hanako,


hanako さんのコメント...

It is finny morning,Saturday Feb 23,2013

I was sad this incident~~
Lots of brand suits from her in my closet.~~
But they are keepsake for me now.
I can not forget her forever......

Today's piano lesson...`Pavane pour une infante defunte`
(亡き王女のためのパヴァーヌ)by Lavel.

This is going to play of summer stage.

I'm looking forward to see you Wednesday.


I・Q English Studio さんのコメント...

Hello, Hanako,

You don't have to forget her.
She will stay forever in your heart until you say OK to her.


Are you coming this Wed.?
If so, I have to say sorry because we are closed every Wednesday.


hanako さんのコメント...

Bright Monday,Feb 25,2013

We are go to there on Tuesday's about 11 o'clock,perhaps.^^


I・Q English Studio さんのコメント...

Hello, Hanako,

Thank you very much for the lovely candle.
Everybody loves it so much.
You are such an artist!

About your daughter...
She must have learned a lot since she graduated.
She is changing little by little.
However, Japanese society is sometimes not so easy on us, so she needs to get more mature before it "changes" its mind.

Good speed


hanako さんのコメント...

Buzy night,March 5th,Tuesday,2013

Thank you very much for own time with ours, and..your advice acted as an encouragement to her.^^

After she said`I glad, however ..I feel extremely tension when he is with me`
I said`He is very good teacher. You're over think, but this should
engrave deeply on your heart`

Now she is looking for a job every day.And thinking about driving school also. She doesn't go to father's driving scool. huhu..^^

How do you like that sea candle?
If I learned about other, perhaps give other's more than it.I feel uneasy.^_-


Withing joyful and happy days in your life together!!


I・Q English Studio さんのコメント...

Hello, Hanako,

The candle is really awesome and everybody is surprised when she and he has known that you made it.
You are so talented!

As for your daughter...
A lot of teens face the difficulties when they graduate.
However, they have to get over it.
Once they survive, it gets easy to challenge the next.

Good luck!


hanako さんのコメント...

mild morning, Wed,March 13,2013

Do you go to America for study and academic meeting?@@

I hope that you absorb a lots of learning for us.

Take care to distance..


I・Q English Studio さんのコメント...

Hello, Hanako,

I'm going to attend the conference and workshop.

In terms of psychology and language teaching, Japan is really behind.

We have to do something...


hanako さんのコメント...

silent night,Sunday March 17,2013

I spent all day cleaning the house and cooking food.Today was quiet Sunday, the year's end is busy always though......

I want to see lots of recruit early .^^

kurumi went to library to like study and report. I hope that she thinking serious her lifestage for herself.


I・Q English Studio さんのコメント...

Hello Hanako,

Crazy wind...
but it must get warm after this.

About Kurumi-san...
She needs to work hard for a while.
And she will see what she needs.

Good luck!


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