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STINK ・・・ スラング/口語表現


それでは今日のスキット、いってみよー! (* ̄0 ̄)/ オゥッ!!


ひとみ: Are you OK?
けんじ: I don't think so.
ひとみ: I will cook for you.
けんじ: It's OK.
ひとみ: I'll cook for you. What do you want to eat?
けんじ: That's OK.
ひとみ: You have to eat!
けんじ: I am good.
ひとみ: Why?
けんじ: Because your cooking stinks! (`Д´メ)!
ひとみ: ・・・(A゜∇゜;)

ひとみ: 大丈夫?
けんじ: ダメみたい。
ひとみ: 何か作ってあげるよ。
けんじ: 大丈夫だよ。
ひとみ: 作ってあげる。何食べたい?
けんじ: 大丈夫だって。
ひとみ: 食べなきゃダメだよ。
けんじ: いいってば。
ひとみ: どうしてなの?
けんじ: オマエの料理がヒドイからだよっ! (`Д´メ)!
ひとみ: ・・・(A゜∇゜;)

stink : ひどい、最低だ。


They stink!

Have a nice one!

4 コメント:

hanako さんのコメント...

Put up with the cold night,Friday Feb 8,2013

It was awflly cold~~/

Though I want to go to ski,no friends and job is very busy also..

Lately, a man of neighbor like stopped walking.
I don't know why (??)
I respect that his walking every cold morning.

I hope that any days are the best for ours.^^

Valentine is just around the corner!You may have good things at that time!!


I・Q English Studio さんのコメント...

Hi, Hanako,

It is still cold, isn't it?

Friends of mine went to Bali to surf last week.

They said that the waves were not that good but way better than ones in Japan.
I envy them...

Life is short.

Seize the day!


hanako さんのコメント...

Winter's piercing night,Feb 13 Wednesday,2013

Bari-@@ Great!!

I know what you mean.^^
Don't worry~~
You can enjoying as same things some day!
You have a lot of free time^^/

South islands...I want to stay long days at the cottage on the sea, swimming sometimes, playing like a child, nothing mixed mind.^^v

I readied sea goods for you.
It is thanks to you always.


I・Q English Studio さんのコメント...

Hello, Hanako,

I believe that you know the tragedy in Guam.
Some of the victims went there to attend their brother's wedding ceremony.

You have to be careful once you step outside.


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