IQ ENGLISH STUDIO へようこそ!  梅田、大阪駅、尼崎からわずか1駅 JR塚本駅前の英語・英会話スクール。姫島、御幣島駅からも徒歩圏内。 こども英会話から受験英語、留学、TOEIC、翻訳まで完全サポート。 英会話だけでなく、中学、高校生には、個別指導塾では実現不可能な質の授業で学校英語を克服! アメリカでの英語指導経験をもつ優秀なスタッフが学校では教えてくれない生きた英語を紹介する英会話ブログ。     
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TOPS ・・・ スラング/口語表現

先日、コンビニでコーヒーとパンを購入したら 58,000円 請求されました。

それでは今日のスキット、いってみよー! (* ̄0 ̄)/ オゥッ!!


みつこ: Already five in it...
乗客:   Don't worry. 10 people, tops.
みつこ: So, no problem. (*゜▽゜)
ブザー: BEEP!!!
みつこ: ... ( ̄Д ̄;)

みつこ: もう5人もいるのね…
乗客:   大丈夫。最大で10人イケるよ。
みつこ: なら、大丈夫ね。 (*゜▽゜)
ブザー: ブーッ!!!
みつこ: …( ̄Д ̄;)

tops : 最高で(も)、最大で(も)


15%, tops?
No, no. They never stop.

Have a nice one!

6 コメント:

I・Q English Studio さんのコメント...

Hello, Hanako!

Long time, no post -- very sorry about that!

I'm also sorry that I wasn't able to meet you the last time you were in Osaka. I hope that we'll have the chance to meet someday.

Thanks very much for the hat -- it fits well! And the tanuki udon (^▽^) -- I mean sanuki udon -- is very tasty!

I'll be sure to update my own web page before future music events, so please check it from time to time to see what we are doing.

All for now. Thanks again and say hi to Kurumi for me!


hanako さんのコメント...

silent night,Tuesday March 19,2013

Dear Willy!

Long time no see@@

I'm sorry...I can not to see you in that time.~~
But I glad to hear that the hat fits for you.^ ^
I was afraid your's not fit.

Let's enjoy own music forever...
I want to listen your sax someday.
Of course my likes jazz etc..

Ok!sometimes check your event.

Thank you very much daughter's thing for your kindness.

How your hands and arms after that?

I have pain about joint parts lately~~

I hope your good health!


P.S I play the piano forever.^^

hanako さんのコメント...

Dear sunny.

58000 YEN!?

HAHAHA..I worked my imagination about your facial expression^^

Suger in coffee a little ?!

my coffee is no suger sometimes.

I glad to see Willr's letter^^

I bought kurumi bread in conbini today.conbini is my important friend.



hanako さんのコメント...

shining day,Saturday March 23,2013

The cherry blossoms blooming so early this year!

I'm looking forward from your's air mail ( I mean.....writing letter)\\^^//


sleepy ...I feel hard ...


I・Q English Studio さんのコメント...

Hello, Hanako,

Getting warmer, isn't it?

You better hurry!
Otherwise, you will miss the cherry blossoms.



I・Q English Studio さんのコメント...

Hi, again, Hanako,

Thanks for your quick reply.

How was the cherry blossom season in your area? Did you have time for relaxed cherry blossom viewing, or did you just enjoy the blossoms during your daily activities?

I found some time to take a walk around Osaka Castle Park, and it was very refreshing after the cold, dry winter.

Thanks for asking about my arm. It still hurts and doesn't work well, but it's continuing to get better month by month.

I'm glad to see that you're still enthusiastic about the piano. I hope that you'll be able to join one of our music events as a performer one day.

I know you're always sleepy at the end of a long workday, so I imagine that you've already gone to bed on this lovely Tuesday evening. Sleep well and keep in touch!


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