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うそです。言い過ぎました。<(_ _)>

それでは、今日のスキットいってみよー! (* ̄0 ̄)/ オゥッ!!


はるか: How was the trip?
あけみ: What?
はるか: Did you have fun?
あけみ: Why?
はるか: Because you got a suntan!
あけみ: Oh, this is because I drink too much.
はるか: I see... (^▽^;)

はるか: 旅行どうだった?
あけみ: え、何が?
はるか: 楽しかった?
あけみ: なんで?
はるか: だって日焼けしてるじゃん。
あけみ: ああ、これは酒の飲みすぎなの。
はるか: あら、そうなのね・・・ (^▽^;)

get a suntan : 日焼けする

よく間違って、(sun)burn [(サン)バーン] と使ってしまっている人がいます。

Don't get a suntan!

Have a nice weekend!

2 コメント:

hanako さんのコメント...

cloudy, May 19th Sunday,2013

I sank in a shallw place of Naruto until the year before last and enjoyed it. It became black and was ploud to friend at the age of 20 years old when it was the evidence that enjoyed summer to swim in the sea. I paint a face with UV milky liquid every day now.^^
I like `day mask`of POLA and cannot separate it.

Watch out in the sea.......


p.s I may go to `Handai`of Osaka.

I・Q English Studio さんのコメント...

Hi, Hanako,

These days we all have to think about sun care. Otherwise, there is high risk of skin cancer.

We surfers put on sunscreen lotion but waves wash it off soon...

That's pain in the neck.


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