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キヨシ: I cannot win today.
ミック: I know.
マイク: Hey, Kiyoshi.
キヨシ: Hi, Mike. Wow, who is this beauty?
マイク: Oh, this is Lucy. Making big money?
キヨシ: Hi, Lucy. I don't like this tramp.
全  員: What!? (; ̄Д ̄) 


正解はコチラ ↓

tramp : 浮浪者、売春婦

英語で「トランプ」は、「card (カード)」ですね。

tramp発言で女性を敵に回し、次はどんな card をきるんでしょうか。

Have a nice weekend!


キヨシ: 今日は勝てないなぁ。
ミック: だな。
マイク: やあ、キヨシ。
キヨシ: やあマイク。おぉ!その美女は誰だい?
マイク: あぁ、ルーシだよ。ガッツリ勝ってるかい?
キヨシ: やあ、ルーシー。 こんな尻の軽いオンナは嫌いだね。
全  員: 何だって? (; ̄Д ̄) 

4 コメント:

hanako さんのコメント...

Brue sky,Friday May 24th, 2013^^

Good morning!

Are you all right about neck?
You should not have done it very much.~~
I'm the feeling that is hard to run because of lower back pain.
But my heart is a young intention.^^/

I like the place where it was said stately about of Hashimoto,and I respect it.
I'm slightly anxious what happens to him.

It is an emotionally relaxed today.
I have to take a rest.


I・Q English Studio さんのコメント...

Hello, Hanako,

Oh, the phrase "pain in the neck" means 「厄介だ、面倒だ、うっとおしい」

Sorry about the confusion.

It is already getting hot in Osaka and I started using my electric fan.
It is still May, though...


hanako さんのコメント...

Good evening, Tuesday May 28th 2013

The rainy season has started,my hair was all messy because of the wind.

'pain in the neck'
I see....I didn't misunderstand a meaning and didn't know it.

I who am honest.^^/

It seems to have been two seasons all too soon.


I・Q English Studio さんのコメント...

Hello, Hanako,

Although we are in the middle of the rainy season, we haven't had a lot of rain.
That's good for me, though.

However, it is said that we have hot summer if we don't have lots of rain in June.

That's a little scary, isn't it?


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