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SCORE ・・・ スラング/口語表現


それでは今日のスキット、いってみよー! (* ̄0 ̄)/ オゥッ!!


あきら: I will call you.
けいこ: But you don't know my phone number.
あきら: Don't worry. I will guess it if we are meant.
けいこ: Oh, sweet. (*´ェ`*)
あきら: Bye!
けんじ: ... Score! (゜0゜)

あきら: 電話するよ。
けいこ: でも、私の番号しらないじゃん。
あきら: 心配するな。これが運命なら、それぐらい分かるよ。
けいこ: ステキ~ (*´ェ`*)
あきら: あばよ。
けんじ: ・・・でかしたー (゜0゜)

Score! : でかした!よくやった!



Have a nice weekend!

6 コメント:

hanako さんのコメント...

Cold morning...Wednesday,2013 December 10th.

Every morning..daughter making myself lunch box. I cannot housework a little because of my health has been falling as resultog overwork.
In fact..I had terrible headache and feeling nausea~~
NeXt week I 'll go to the hospital.

Though She is not good at cooking.
She made my new flower's business card.

`score` again^^

We helped each other every moment.

I listening Hendel's aria *^^*


I・Q English Studio さんのコメント...

Hello, Hanako,

Are you okay?
Sounds like you are not in good shape.
Please do not work too much.
You need rest.
Good thing is your daughter is helping you.

Take care,


hanako さんのコメント...

Cold night, Wednesday, 2013 December 18th

Good eveing teacher....

I'm planning to in the hospital from X'mas, and operating the next day~~

I hope I will get well soon.
See the old year out in the hospital unwillingly~~

Dokidoki....I am timid person.

This is last comment by me.

I wish you a Happy New Year!

I come back with power up body.
I'll see father in flower garden^^/


I・Q English Studio さんのコメント...

Oh, my got, Hanako,

I hope that you will get soon.

I am also looking forward to your reply with lots of energy.

Take care,


hanako さんのコメント...

A happy new year!!

2014.1.4 Saturday night

I came out of the hospital today.^^ I need rehabilitation for some time. But I can lots of friends, and they are very kind so my heart full of their warm affection.

This 10 days are like jewel's brightness.

I cannot forget forever......


I・Q English Studio さんのコメント...

Congratulations, Hanako!

You are out of the hospital!
I am so sorry for my procrastination.
I have been so busy like hell!

How are you feeling now?
Have you already gotten over it?

Things are getting warmer little by little, so you are getting better, I hope.

Take care,


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