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それでは今日のスキット、いってみよー! (* ̄0 ̄)/ オゥッ!!


夫: I want a car.
妻: You have one.
夫: That's too old.
妻: But that's enough.
夫: You are so beautiful today.
妻: Don't waste your breath!
夫: (T0T)

夫: 車欲しいなぁ。
妻: 持ってるじゃない。
夫: もう古すぎるし。
妻: でも十分じゃない。
夫: 今日のキミはなんてキレイなんだ。
妻: ダメなものはダメ!
夫: (T0T)

Don't waste your breath : ダメなものはダメ

その場合は、「 I said, No! 」と、なります。

Don't waste your breath.

Have a nice one!

4 コメント:

hanako さんのコメント...

November 5th,2013

Good morning! I see blue sky..^^

She(daughter)worked overtime lastnight,I said to her`Come back to eraly ` But ` Don't waste your breath!!`

She take pride in my job because of Rakuten sall...

Hyacinthes of red and white that I planted last week have started to sprout pretty^^.

Yesterday..I practice etude ,MACDOWELL,for left hand hard.

Have a nice day!


I・Q English Studio さんのコメント...

Hello, Hanako,

It sounds like that your daughter is working hard.
That's good!
I think that young people have to work very hard and build up their skills.
And then, they can see what they want to do next.
Otherwise, they change their jobs if they have problems.

By the way,
How are you?
Are you alright?


hanako さんのコメント...

November 7th,2013

Silent night...

Yes,thank you...

Though I hope that I am getting better and better....I had a lower back pain again from November 1st.~~

Teacher how come? hu~~~~~

It can not stop pain ,paralysis,numbness etc..
I wanna escape from blackhole.

Help me.--/

Next appointment to see the doctor is 18th(Monday)

I'm looking forward to see you someday^^/

Do my best!!


I・Q English Studio さんのコメント...

Hello, Hanako,

How are you?
What did your doctor say?
Still painful?

Things are getting colder and colder, so keep yourself warm.
That would be good for your lower back, too.

Take care,


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